Lindsay has a long track record advocating for our values and delivering for our community.

  • Flooding & Insurance

    I’ve voted against the billion-dollar insurance bailouts from Tallahassee. Instead, I put YOU first when it comes to voting on insurance policy - requiring accountability, lower rates, and the ability for homeowners to recover the true costs of damages from their insurance companies. Republicans have pushed one-sided policies that only help insurance companies - Pinellas cannot afford their record of failure. I’ll do everything I can to keep insurance rates low for working families. And with much of Pinellas at risk from storm surge and flooding, I’ve led the conversation in Tallahassee on controlling development in hazardous locations - as well as focusing funding for hurricane hardening on flood-prone neighborhoods like Shore Acres, Snell Isle and Riviera Bay.

  • Affordable Housing

    As home prices and rent costs skyrocket, it is nearly impossible for working families to find affordable housing. I’m proud to have passed an affordable housing policy my first year in the Legislature that would create affordable housing here in Pinellas. And I’ll always vote against raiding the Sadowski Affordable Housing Trust Fund - so your tax dollars go towards housing for our critical workers like teachers, nurses, and first responders.

  • Reproductive Rights

    Like the majority of Floridians, I believe that family medical decisions should be made by families and doctors; not politicians! The rollback of abortion rights under Roe has been catastrophic for the women of Florida. I’m a fierce advocate for women’s reproductive rights and the only candidate in the race that proudly supports the passage of Amendment 4, which would forever enshrine the reproductive rights of women in the Florida Constitution.

  • Environment

    A healthy environment is the backbone of a strong economy and our quality of life. As an environmental scientist, I have dedicated more than 20 years to cleaning up Tampa Bay and conserving natural areas around the state. In Tallahassee, I am a leader on water quality, conservation, and resiliency. This year, I worked across the aisle to pass a bill requiring local governments to notify the public when beaches are contaminated and not safe for swimming. I’ll fight to hold corporate polluters accountable and protect the Florida that we love.

  • Healthcare

    I believe that no one should have to choose between paying medical bills and keeping the lights on. I co-sponsored a bill to expand Medicaid to over 800,000 Floridians, and consistently voted to give Floridians more healthcare options. I’ve also championed legislation that would help people with life-threatening illnesses be able to afford the prescription drugs they need.

  • Education

    As a product of the public school system, and the daughter of two public school educators, I understand the irreplaceable value of a great education. Our teachers should be able to teach - not worry about pay cuts or book bans. With teachers in Florida ranking #50 nationwide in teacher pay, it’s critical that we invest in our teachers and staff, and improve conditions in our public schools.

  • Workforce Training

    Workers keep our homes and businesses operating. We can do so much more to train our students and workers, provide better pay, and ensure health working conditions. I’ve voted to expand workforce training opportunities, including consistent funding for community colleges and trade schools. And when it comes to attacks on unions, I’ve pushed back hard. Our unions built this country, and will lead us into the 21st Century.

  • Small Business Development

    Small businesses are vital to our economy and provide the identity and character of the district, from Pinellas Park to St. Pete. With large corporations drowning out the voices of small businesses, it’s critical that we support our local entrepreneurs. As a member of the Post-Secondary Education and Workforce subcommittee, I’ve worked to improve conditions for businesses and cut through red tape.

  • Transportation

    Pinellas County is the most densely populated in the state. We need high-quality and reliable public transportation available to everyone. Most importantly, local voices should have the biggest say over how local transportation works - not Tallahassee. I’ve been a strong advocate for better transportation, have championed transit options for our veterans, and worked to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists.

  • LGBTQ+ Rights

    From marching in the Pride Parade to supporting my trans constituents, I’ve always stood for equality. I’ve been disgusted by the bigoted attacks on the LGBTQ+ community that have emerged from Tallahassee and have fought against bills that work to divide, not unite us. I will always support the simple but profound idea that people should be free to love who they love.

  • Mental Health

    Mental health touches Floridians across all age, socioeconomic, and racial backgrounds. I’ve prioritized increasing counselors at schools and trained professionals at public health centers, and funding for non-profit organizations that address the spectrum of social services needed to raise and sustain healthy families.

  • Sensible Gun Reform

    The increase in gun violence in recent years is unacceptable. I support common-sense gun reform, including uniform background checks and keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. I stand with the majority of Floridians that want sensible gun reform that will keep our schools, families and communities safe.